تحليل عددي (قسم الحاسب )

المحاضر هنوف
الجامعة جامعة الأميرة نورة
500 ريال
البيانات التفصيلية للمقرر:
الشرح حسب الخطة
التوافق جميع المنصات
المحاضرات 0 محاضرة

محتوى المقرر

Sec. 1.2: Error and Computer Arithmetic\r\nSec. 2.1 Root Finding: Bisection Method \r\nSec. 2.2 Fixed point Iterations \r\nSec. 2.3 Newton Method, Secant Method\r\nSec. 3.1 Interpolation and Approximation: Taylor polynomial, Approximation of order n, polynomial Error. \r\nSec. 3.2 Linear and Quadratic interpolation, lagrange interpolation, Newton Divided Difference Method ,Error Evaluation \r\nSec. 3.4 Spline Interpolation\r\nSec. 4.1 Numerical Differentiation\r\nSec. 4.3 Numerical Integration and Differentiation: The Trapezoidal and Simpson Rules.\r\nSec 4.7 Gaussian Quadrature \r\nSec.6.1 Numerical Solution of linear Systems :Gauss Elimination\r\nSec 6.5, 6.6 Lu , and Cholesky Decompositions\r\nSec. 7.3 lterative Methods: Jacobi and Gauss- siedel \r\nSec. 5.2\r\nNumerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Euler Method\r\nSec. 5.4 Runge- kutta Methods .\r\nSec. 5.10 Convergence and Error Analysis

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جامعة الأميرة نورة
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جامعة الأميرة نورة
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